
How to cancel bitdefender
How to cancel bitdefender

Then through various customer service people they kept adding discounts and while I have not seen a "standard" bill yet, it appears that the discounts they have added that last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years means I am saving quite a bit on my bills for a while, after which I will look at alternatives.

how to cancel bitdefender

This happened over the course of six months and came to a head on New Years Eve when my DSL failed completely and they could not dispatch a tech until 2 days after that. I was on a contract for a few years, when it expired I went month to month because as a 20+ year customer they offered no incentives for me to resign so why lock myself in? I started having issues with my DSL and they could not resolve the dropped connections, mostly due to old infrastructure I believe which left me with no choice but to upgrade to their fiber service. I just went through a nightmare scenario with Telus (local phone/isp/tv).

How to cancel bitdefender